Monday, September 30, 2019

Psychological Disorders and Therapy Essay

I. Introduction Schizophrenia is not only the most dreaded psychological disorder but also one of the most heavily researched. Some important new discoveries link schizophrenia with biological factors, such as brain abnormalities and genetic predispositions. Schizophrenia is one of the most heavily researched psychological disorders. Several factors have been proposed as causes of schizophrenia, from biochemical imbalances in the brain to faulty family relationships and socioeconomic environment. Although a great deal of interesting research has been carried out, to date no single factor has been isolated as the cause of schizophrenia. II. The Understanding and Search for Causes Schizophrenia a) Brain, Structure, Function and Abnormalities Recent advances in the measurement of brain structure and function have set the stage for comparing normal individuals with those suffering from schizophrenia. One brain-imaging technique, computer-assisted tomography, or CT scan, uses many low-energy X-rays of the living brain taken at a number of different points and integrated into pictures by a computer. Studies using this technique show that many individuals with schizophrenia have enlarged brain ventricles, compared to normal persons. Some researchers believe a link sexists between the enlarged ventricles and the lower frequency of alpha waves observed among individuals with schizophrenia. The idea that imbalances in brain chemistry might underlie schizophrenia has long intrigued scientists. Strange behaviors, they knew, can have strange chemical causes. The saying â€Å"Mad as a hatter† refers to the psychological deterioration of British hatmakers whose brains, it was later discovered, were slowly poisoned as they moistened the brims of mercury-laden felt hats with their lips (Smith, 2003). Scientists are beginning to understand the mechanism by which chemicals such as LSD produce hallucinations. These discoveries fuel hope that a biochemical key to schizophrenia might be found. One chemical key to schizophrenia involves the neurotransmitter dopamine. When researchers examined patient’s brains after death, they found an excess of receptors for dopamine (Wong, 2000). What is more, drugs that block dopamine levels, such as amphetamine and cocaine, sometimes intensify schizophrenia victims overactive to irrelevant external and internal stimuli. Modern brain scanning techniques reveal that many chronic schizophrenia patients have a detectable brain abnormality. Some have abnormally low brain activity in the frontal lobes (Cohen, 1999). Others, most often men, have enlarged, fluid-filled areas and a corresponding shrinkage of cerebral tissue (Andreasen, 2000). b) Genetic Factors A popular line of research in recent years has been the search for a genetic link in schizophrenia. Several approaches to the study of genetic relationships have been used. Overall, results of this research are consistent with a genetic basis for the disorder. For example, identical twins are more likely to share schizophrenic diagnoses than fraternal twins, whether the twins are reared apart or together. The greater the severity of schizophrenia, the more pronounced this relationship is. Furthermore, children whose parents both have schizophrenia are three times more likely to develop the disorder than are children with only one parent with schizophrenia, whether children are reared with their parents or not. Children who are reared by an adoptive parent with schizophrenia but whose biological parents are normal do not have higher rate of schizophrenia (Kestenbaum, 2001). The most convincing evidence for a genetic relationship comes from research showing a characteristic defect on c hromosome 5 among family members who have some types of schizophrenia (Sherrington, 2000). Naturally, scientists wonder whether people inherit a predisposition to these brain abnormalities. The evidence strongly suggests that some do. The 100-to-1 odds against any person’s being diagnosed with Schizophrenia become 10-to-1 among those who have an afflicted identical twin. Although there are only a dozen such known cases, it appears that an identical twin of schizophrenia victim retains that 50-50 chance whether they are reared together or apart. Adoption studies confirm a genetic link (Gottesman, 2001). Children adopted by someone who develops schizophrenia are unlikely to â€Å"catch† the disorder. But adopted children do have an elevated risk if a biological parent is diagnosed with schizophrenia. The genetic contribution is beyond question. But the genetic role is not so straightforward is beyond question. But the genetic role is not as straightforward as the inheritance of eye color. After all, about half the twins who share identical genes with a schizophrenia victim do not develop the disorder. Thus, behavior geneticists Susan Nicol and Irving Gottesman (2000) conclude that some people â€Å"have a genetic predisposition to the disorder but that this predisposition by itself is not sufficient for the development of schizophrenia.† c) Psychological Factors If, by themselves, genetically predisposed physiological abnormalities do not cause schizophrenia, neither do psychological factors alone. As Nicol and Gottesman report, â€Å"no environmental causes have been discovered that will invariably, or even with moderate probability, produce schizophrenia in persons who are not related to a schizophrenic.† Nevertheless, if genes predispose some people to react to particular experiences by developing schizophrenia, then there must be identifiable triggering experiences. Researchers have asked:   Can stress trigger schizophrenia? Can difficulties in family communications be a contributing factor? The answer to each question is a strong, clear maybe. The psychological triggers of schizophrenia have proved elusive, partly because they may vary with the type of schizophrenia and whether it is a low-developing, chronic schizophrenia, or a sudden, acute reaction to stress. It is true that young people with schizophrenia tend to have unusually disturbed communications with their parents. But is this a cause or a result of their disorder? It is true that stressful experiences, biochemical and abnormalities, and schizophrenia’s symptoms often occur together. But the traffic between brain biochemistry and psychological experiences runs both ways, so cause and effect are difficult to sort out.   It is true that schizophrenic withdrawal often occurs in adolescence or early adulthood, coinciding with the stresses of having to become independent, to assert oneself, and to achieve social success and intimacy. So is schizophrenia the maladaptive coping reaction of biologically vuln erable people? Most of us can relate more easily to the ups and downs of mood disorder that to strange thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors of schizophrenia. Sometimes our thoughts do jump around, but we do not talk nonsensically. Occasionally we feel unjustly suspicious of someone, but we do not feat that the world is plotting against us. Often our perceptions are distorted, but rarely do we see or hear things that are not there. We have felt regret after laughing at someone’s misfortune, but e rarely giggle in response to bad news. At times, we just want to be alone, but we do not live in social isolation. However, millions of people around the world do not talk strangely, suffer delusions, hear nonexistent voices, see things that are not there, laugh or cry at inappropriate times, or withdraw into their private imaginary worlds. Because this is true, the scientific quest to solve the cruel puzzle of schizophrenia continues. d) Environmental Stress Approaches to schizophrenia have not been exclusively biomedical. Even studies of identical twins show that more than half these pairs do not have share diagnoses of schizophrenia. Because they do share all genetic material, there must be environmental factors that also contribute to the disorder, either by protecting constitutionally vulnerable individuals or by precipitating symptoms of the disorder (Kestenbaum, 2001). One way of conceptualizing the relationship between the environment and schizophrenia is through the concept of stress. A stress hypothesis holds that individuals are genetically vulnerable to the disorder. III. Treatment Behavioral Therapy Voluntary behaviors are strongly influenced by their consequences. This sample fact enables behavior therapists to reinforce desired behaviors, while withholding reinforcement for undesired behaviors. Using operant conditioning to solve specific behavior problems is called behavior modification, a therapy that has raised hopes for some cases thought hopeless. Retarded children have been taught to care for themselves. Autistic children have learned to interact. People with Schizophrenia have been helped to behave more rationally on the hospital ward. Physical   methods or therapy This includes electroshock therapy and brain surgery. It consists of passing electric currents through the brain, producing convulsion coma. Psychoanalysis A procedure requiring that the patient and analyst meet for hour- long sessions several times a week for many months. During these hours the analyst helps the patient bring into consciousness the repressed conflicts that have caused the illness. If the treatment is successful, the patient learns realistic methods of dealing with conflicts. The technique of free association is an important part of psychoanalysis. The patient is encouraged to talk about whatever comes to mind, without regard to apparent relevance or propriety of the material. The analyst helps the patient to understand the meaning of this material. Patients develop resistance in their efforts to talk freely, and it is the analyst’s task to help them overcome such resistance. Resistances are usually associated with feelings of guilt in regard to fantasies about hostility, dependency and sexuality. IV. Conclusion Schizophrenia literally translated means â€Å"split mind.† Split mind refers not to a multiple-personality split, but rather a split from reality that shows itself in disorganized thinking; disturb perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and actions. The schizophrenia victim experiences an altered world. Minute stimuli, such as the grooves on a brick or the reflections of a voice, may distract attention from the whole scene or from the speaker’s meaning. Worse, the person may perceive things that are not there. Such hallucinations are (sensory experiences without sensory stimulation) usually auditory. The person may hear voices that seem to come from outside the head and that make insulting statements or give orders.   The voices may tell that patient that she is bad or that he must burn himself with a cigarette lighter or even commit murder. Less commonly, people see, feel, taste, or smell things that are nonexistent. Such hallucinations have been compared to dreams breaking into waking consciousness. When the unreal seems real, the resulting perceptions are at best bizarre and at worst terrifying.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” and Forces Against Brown

Do you remember your first day of school ? How was it ? Was it scary? I bet going to a segregated school where you were getting all types of looks , its way different the early 1900's. from people judging you about the clothes you were to the style of your hair. This article discusses Richard M . Nixon , the United States President in 1968 gave birth to the modern reform movement through public vouchers and other educational reform measures under his † Southern Strategy † that was designed to gain the votes of individuals who oppose school desegregation . The political activities in school desegregation after Brown by the two major political parties , namely the democrats and the republicans are discussed. President Richard Nixon reacted to the 1971 court decision on Swann verses Charlotte- Mecklenburg school district , a school desegregation case that approved to use of race to assign students to school by the use of busing , by instructing the U.S. justice department to draft a constitutional amendment to nullify the court's decision. (Kruger 1975 ) In my view President Richard Nixon was just trying to get white American votes . Bussing is still going today for example ; where I stay I'm between two elementary school's and you would think that my children could attend both schools but that's not the case . I guess the way the school district resolved the issue was by halving up the neighborhood. Which I consider crazy because back when I was going to school my road in particular wasn't considered a bus stop and our parents were able to choose whichever school .they wanted us to attend . Now , the way they separated the neighborhood the cut off spot or road I should say is the road right before mine . We didn't have that problem because we had to go to the next road anyway to catch the bus the same exact road they use as a cut off for the first elementary school. I think its so selfish how we as a people can't get along enough to join and become equal enough to get an education . I thought that was the reason for the separate but equal doctrine . Opposition to school desegregation was intense from the beginning and continues to this day ; and the results are clear , that is , the whitest American do not support school desegregation ( Jeffries , 1994 ; Motley , 1998 ; Olgetree , 2004). This is so true because In 1970 , Vigor High School on Wilson Avenue , which had been Prichard's white high school during segregation , was 70% white . By 1980 , It was 80% black . Although most of Prichard's remaining majority-white areas were in this district , many families had put their students into parochial or private schools . Before this came about Prichard was predominately white until they move black in the area to work at the paper mill. I totally agree with frank browns argument favoring integration on buses and in all areas of public accommodation and travel . Human beings have struggled with / on centuries to gain equal rights . Western civilization has been characterized by the hegemonic domination by white males. This power structure has frequently and historically excluded women and minorities . In the United States , despite the foundational creed that † all men are created equal , † it has taken centuries of struggle to gain equal rights . Equal rights , of equality before the law , means that all individuals are subject to the same laws of justice. People must be treated equally with / as / for regard to race , gender , national origin , skin color , religion or disability. African Americans were one of the first groups granted equal rights in the United States , through the passage of the 14th Amendment , which outlawed slavery . Achieving equal rights in reality took another century of struggle . Women , as well , although granted the right to vote for / by 1920 , continue to work towards equal rights , most recently through pay equity . Congress should terminate all programs because of the harm they caused minority students. I am so glad they passed the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that No person in the United States shall , on the ground of race , color , or national origin , be excluded from participation in , be denied the benefits of , or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance . Equality means everyone has an identical quantity of everything ; no one is considered superior or inferior. Equality means that all children can grow up and go to school with equal access to the English language here in America . Everyone should be treated as fairly and as worthy of respect and basic rights as their peers from the moment they are born . People being able to be themselves , walking through life with inherent characteristics that should be considered neutral such as ethnicity , skin color , gender , physical disabilities , mental disability without having to face discrimination based on their presence or characteristics.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Taking responsibility for one's personal and professional development Assignment

Taking responsibility for one's personal and professional development - Assignment Example This is crucial as maintaining competence and also capability helps in performing well as the leaders and bosses always advise and also recommend activities for their staff. The individual’s role comes in to play when change is needed so he/ she needs to be updated and should keep on building their strength along with the development of new skills. Professional development helps in ensuring you and also your employer that legal along with other mandatory requirements like fire safety, health, equal opportunity and also diversity legislation are properly met. It helps in preparing individuals for extra responsibilities in current and also in future roles. It promotes individuals as they are not only meeting the requirements of the job they are in but they are also making efforts to learn more and in showing excellence in performance. It can motivate others along with meeting the requirements of the current job they are in. Successful people basically follow a plan for their car eer which can vary from being a detailed plan to broadening the direction which brings chance into play. It is important to properly plan and always work on the professional development which is based on through knowledge and also self awareness regarding the career options which are open to people. This development refers to the types of work, recruitment methods, career structure along with support provided for training and also development. Individuals have to take responsibility for their own professional development where they are not only trying and working hard to achieve the set goals which they already have but also polish their skill set and work hard to have a backup plan. It is always good to think about the strengths and also values of one’s own self which can help in developing people as per the food of diversified careers. The first and the most important step here is self evaluation along with getting feedback from other people regarding one’s own skill set and abilities. One very important question which comes in the mind of people is when to review their career or to know that professional and also personal development is required. It is basically when one is taking interest in developing their current role or they are preparing themselves for a promotion. It can also refer to a situation where they are looking for a new direction or a new job. It is important to understand that not only working towards development is required for succeeding, it is important to properly measure the development. A very important question is how to work towards development. Firstly it is very important to prepare one to one reviews with the supervisor or even the principal investigator where the discussion regarding the career and professional development will take place. One should always identify and be aware of their strengths along with their weaknesses or the areas which they want to focus on. It is important to be well aware of the prioritie s so that one should always priorities the most important and also formal development opportunities which are provided by the institution. It is important to decide what are the desired outcomes and objectives of people. One should always go for manageable objectives so that when plans are made they can be revised if there is a need. The skills and also the experience which

Friday, September 27, 2019

Project Management - Forming the Project Team Research Paper

Project Management - Forming the Project Team - Research Paper Example Therefore, Royal Tires & More Inc. will need to create and fill the roles or positions of accountants who will handle the accounting duties as well as the payroll, inventory manager/ supervisor or a store manager, who will be in-charge of the company’s inventory, cashiers who will use the point of sales system. In addition, the implementation of the new system will require Royal Tires & More Inc. to have mechanics who will use the customer and vendor management system while transacting with the customer on a face-to-face basis. According to Barry and Jamie (2004), a well-qualified accountant should be a certified public accountant, whom must have undergone an accountancy course and passed, and therefore he or she is well conversant with all accounting duties that range from financial accounting, tax accounting, and even the preparation of the payroll. In the case of Royal Tires & More Inc., they will require accountants who have knowledge and experience in using accounting software such as Sage, QuickBooks, or Pastel, and even payroll software. The accountants should have at least a work experience of one to two years. The store managers who will be in-charge of the inventory should have a knowledge on store keeping or inventory management, secondly they should be conversant with the use of inventory management software such as NetSuite. In addition, the store managers should also have a one to two years experience (Kieso et al. 2007). Thirdly, there is no specific qualification for the cashiers and they may even be recruited from amongst the mechanics who are good in calculations and are fast learners. There will be no experience required for this role as it not complex and even using the point of sale system does not involve any complexity. Lastly, the mechanics should have qualifications in the field of mechanical engineering with at least one and a half years of experience. As for the use of the customer

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How Managers Measure Organizational Effectiveness Research Paper

How Managers Measure Organizational Effectiveness - Research Paper Example own to cover the facets of organizational performance combined with the internal performance outcomes, which are directly influenced by the results of the effort (Zhou, Hong & Liu, 2013). The determination of the organizational effectiveness is thus an essential role of every organization in the 21st century that is driven by the desire to succeed and achieve the internal goals of the business. At the time an organization is formed, the managers must secure a continuing supply of resources from the organization’s environment. This will enable the business to operate continuously and achieve long and short-term goals. In this paper, a discussion of the important approaches that managers use to determine the initial mix of resources to adopt during the creation of the business will be discussed. The measure of organizational effectiveness is an essential process for any startup organization that desire to grow and enter new markets. As a result, either a number of tools have been developed for the measurement of effectiveness theoretically or empirically which make up part of the entire process of effectiveness determination. The judgment of performance in an organization is influenced by the group willing to determine the effectiveness, performance and the ability of the organization to achieve its objectives. Three approaches have been developed for the determination of effectiveness of an organization and can be utilized in the measure of new businesses whose operation parameters are still limited (Guest & Conway, 2011). In measuring the organizational effectiveness through the determination of the external resource approach, the ability of a business to secure, manage and control the valuable resources and skills from the external environment is measured. In resource based view, the firm’s ability to effectively utilize the available resources is measured to determine the likelihood of profitable performance in the future. In this approach, two assumptions

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Retail world in 2020 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Retail world in 2020 - Essay Example The classic example of this is Apple Watch that was just recently launched. Apple Watch is not just a regular watch that tells time but could also send and receive calls via iPhone. It also has hundreds of apps (Stein) that could serve as a platform for retail when the technology is harnessed in the future. Thus time will come that wearable devices such as watches will not only tell time, receive and send messages but will also become a store where one can shop from fashionable clothing lines to high end items. In addition to digitizing fashion, the way that fashion will be processed and retailed will also become â€Å"greener†, sustainable and ethical. This means that ecologically damaging manufacturing practices will be shun by the buying public and will prefer the â€Å"greener† business whose practices are ecologically sound. This means that the use of furs and other materials that came from endangered species will be generally frowned upon by the market in the futu re. The traditional brick and mortar retailers in the future will not entirely vanished but will just become more efficient. This means that retailers in the future will have more sales per square meter of the store as â€Å"In-store mapping and smart navigation will become highly accurate . . . by effectively tracking the whereabouts of the shoppers† (Mehta). It will put retailers in a better position to effectively design the layout of their stores that would make the best route for customers to do their shopping.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

AP - Art History eo 7 forum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

AP - Art History eo 7 forum - Essay Example The neoclassical work painting by Jacques-Louis David indicates excellent use of colors and the work is contrastingly well polished and distinguishable. On contrary, the romantic paintings by Eugene Delacroix reveals poor use of colors. The brushwork is also not polished thus prompting the eventual derivation of contrastingly undesirable work. The exposure of the death of Socrates by David, Jacques-Louis exhibits well defined and refined piece of work and is likely to allure love by many paint art lovers. The drawings also present the desirable picture and tone desired by the viewer. From fig a, it is observable that varying colors have been applied. As compared to romantic drawing by Delacroix, Eugà ¨ne- Mad Woman, 1822 who has utilized only two or three blends of colors. Delacroix, Eugà ¨ne Mad Woman, 1822 (romantic) drawing is also rugged and does not appreciate appealing drawing. Delacroix Eugà ¨ne- Mad Woman, 1822 is very lose and does not appeal to the eye. Delacroix also failed to not the presence of the background as presented excellently by Jacques on The Death of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Techniques for Conducting Company Analysis and Stock Valuation Assignment - 2

Techniques for Conducting Company Analysis and Stock Valuation - Assignment Example Using comparables entails the use of an organization’s earnings in the process of valuing and organizations stock as well as analysis. Earnings also referred to as the net income or net profit, are the remaining amount after a firm settles all of its outstanding bills. In stock valuation and company analysis, there are earnings per share (EPS) which entails the measurement of earnings in coming up with an apples-to-apples comparison. To find the value of earnings per share, the expert analyzing the company divides the divides the dollar amount of the reported earnings of a corporation the currently outstanding number of shares in the enterprise.  Free cash flow techniques are the most common measurement used by experts, among other investment bankers, for valuing stock as well as analyzing public and private companies. This is in contrary to the fact that the majority of individual investors lack the knowledge of cash flow. Cash flow is simply the amount of money flowing thr ough a company during the business trading period or the company’s activities, usually a quarterly or a year, after doing away with fixed expenses. At times cash flows are referred to as earnings realized before interest, taxation, decreasing and accounting of an account as well as depreciation.  Options-based techniques entail the analysis of the company as well as the valuation of its stock as an alternative approach since it takes full consideration of the risks associated with a venture. While considering these risks, they recognize the ability of firms to postpone a venture until a later time or rather engage in a partial investment.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Concussions in football Essay Example for Free

Concussions in football Essay Injuries in professional sports are always occurring, but in football the risk of injury is much higher considering it is a contact sport. Although One of Americas most precious pastimes; American Football is the most dangerous sport because of the risk of concussions. Concussions in football have been a major concern though the years especially in recent years and the seriousness of this particular injury must be bought to the attention of not only the players, but to the media and professional leagues . Advancements in technology and health protocols have brought attention to the actual severity of concussions in football. Many NFL players that have had a concussion, or multiple concussions, not only struggle when they return to the field, but also struggle with normal aspects of their lives. The relevance of concussions has risen so far as of late, that former NFL players who previously suffered from concussions have gotten together to sue the NFL for improper information and protocol when they suffered their concussions. The concern of concussions has risen to a point where people have debated whether football should be banned altogether. The risk of concussions in football is very high compared to other sports. The constant contact and trauma that the head takes from being hit can sometimes lead to a concussion, but they are usually sustained through one powerful hit to the head. â€Å"The impact of one player running into another has almost twice the strength then one person running into a standing, or placed individual† (Onion). This would prove noteworthy for the kickoff or punt return aspect of football. During these situations the opposing teams are running full speed toward each other, and the ball carrier is usually the one who is at the most risk for concussion. The discussion of removing kickoffs and punts has been a major topic of discussion because of these facts. There are also different levels of concussions. â€Å"A minor concussion or grade one concussion may involve being dazed, head ringing, a minor headache, and a very brief loss of consciousness. A more severe concussion such as a grade 2 concussion may cause being blacked out, confusion, a pounding headache, and blurred vision. The most server concussion or grade 3 concussion may cause being blacked out, nausea or vomiting, loss of short term memory, and saying the same thing over and over†(Swierzewski). The most dangerous symptoms occur when a player is cleared to play before he has fully recovered from their concussion. When an athlete is cleared to play before he has fully recovered that is when death can occur. Retired players that have played professional football at some time in their life who sustained concussions have also had many problems in their retirement. One of these many retired players include former defensive lineman George Visger who frequently has memory loss or severe headaches. Visger said that he believes that he â€Å"accumulated close to hundreds if not thousands of concussions throughout his football playing career, some documented, some not† (Smith). Some problems that occur from concussions could end up being more life threatening then Visgers symptoms. â€Å"The suicides of former Chicago Bears Defensive end Dave Duerson and Owen Thomas, a University of Pennsylvania defensive end, have shown that the severity of concussions can psychologically destroy a person† (Compton). These symptoms that Visger, Duerson, and Thomas have or had experienced have happened to many other retired football players as well, which shows that this is very common among concussion recipients. Visger was also one of more than four thousand former NFL players who filed a seven hundred and seventy five million dollar lawsuit against the NFL for lack of information of concussions, and neglecting of the severity of concussions (Farrar). This settlement was reached and the money was granted to the players, but the fact is that these men must live with consequences that they received when they played the game of football. Not only is everyday life a struggle for these gentlemen, but the risks that they took can sometimes lead to their untimely death. Although most athletes are aware of concussions, not everyone is aware of the long lasting effects of them which are up to coaches and staff to explain. â€Å"The obligation of an employer to provide its employees with a safe workplace free from recognized hazards is well established. In the absence of specific standards for an industry, an employer is required under OSHAs general duty clause to provide its employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards which cause or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm†(Holmquist). In this case the employee is the athlete and the employers would be the football team’s staff and coaches. It is up to them to explain the long term consequences to these players, and enforce the safety protocol that must happen if they ever obtain a concussion. By doing this, the player is more informed of the risks of injury and the steps they have to take to either change the way they play, or simply don’t play the game at all. Equipment is also a major factor in dealing with concussions. The regulation helmet used in the NFL has gone through rigorous changes to keep concussions to a limit, but there is only so much you can do to prevent a concussion. â€Å"What helmets do not do well is significantly slow down the contents of the skull when the head is struck and moved suddenly† (Compton). The design of a helmet is made to prevent skull fractures not to prevent the fast impact of a hit to the head. Although technology will probably continue to improve the quality of helmets in football, the brute force of a hit to the head can probably never be covered up by any sort of helmet. The discussion of banning football due to the high risk of concussions has been a topic of debate also. Although it is ultimately the decision of someone to do what they want, they might not know the full consequences of what they’re getting into. It is important to educate athletes on the full on risks of concussions and how serious they really. If the overall topic of concussions can be explained to athletes, then football can be that much safer.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Role of Media on African Americans Essay Example for Free

Role of Media on African Americans Essay Among many of the ethnic groups that experienced a combination of segregation, racism, and prejudice; African Americans is one of the few that is still faced with one or more forms of discrimination today. The majority of African Americans came to the United States from Africa to be slaves, while others are citizens or residents of the United States from partial ancestry a form of the native population. In 1619, the first recorded Africans were recorded in British North America in Jamestown, Virginia, and the numbers began to increase as more English settlers died from harsh conditions and the Africans were brought to work as laborers. In the late 1700s the American Revolution occurred, which landed approximately 3 million Africans in slavery in the United States by the mid-1800s, (Centerwall, Brandon, 1984). In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln declared that all slaves in the United States from a Union were free. Meanwhile the declaration of Africans being free from slavery was joyful event, it was also the beginning of a growing battle that lead to a different approach of discrimination including; segregation, prejudice, and racism. By the 1900s, the African American population increased, which majority of the population lived in the Southern states of the United States. The Southern states enforced the Jim Crow laws, which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities giving white Americans advantages over black Americans in public schools, public transportation, restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains. In order to eliminate the control that white Americans had over African Americans, African Americans began to build their own schools, churches, and communities. Although, African Americans building their own communities was the intention of avoiding the humiliation of the Jim Crow laws, it still didn’t prevent the African Americans from becoming victims of racially motivated violence. African Americans experienced countless acts of violence incidents that lead blacks battered, beaten and even dead in some cases. White Americans begin to form organizations that promoted white power, leading the organizations to practice out violence and destroy African Americans property. A popular white power organization called themselves the Ku Klux Klan and performed acts against blacks that included; lynching cross burnings, physical violence, and house burnings towards African Americans. Although, the Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1867, it has been rumors that there are people that are still secretly members today. African Americans experienced a wider range of discrimination, segregation, and racism more so in the later days but still arise in society today. In a perfect world, no one would be judged by the color of their skin and society would focus on a person’s individual true character. Often times African Americans miss out on opportunities because they are being judged by the color of their skin, rather than their abilities. The United States has tried to provide Americans the rights to equal opportunity, by creating the Affirmative action. The affirmative action eliminates people being granted opportunities based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin and ensures that minority groups within a society receive equal opportunities. Although, the affirmative action was intended to diminish situations which cause people to participate in different forms of discrimination, but unless it could be fully proven that African Americans were being passed up for jobs, education, income and other forms of advancements there will never be a way to fully prohibit this form of discrimination. Today, there is still unequal opportunities and discriminatory treatment that occurs in the United States especially with African Americans. African Americans were affected by many forms of discrimination that decreased advancement to equal other races in society. They were faced with dual labor market, forcing blacks to work in lower labor market areas. Redlining was enforced by keeping businesses from helping African Americans simply because of the area they lived in. Many African Americans wanted to better themselves by furthering their education, but suffered from institutional discrimination and given less information and aid for education. Knowing the history of the African American struggles on; prejudice, discrimination, and segregation allows me to understand my roots and accomplishments of my ethnic group. Personally the history of African Americans affects me greatly, because it is the combination of struggles that has played a huge role to my advancements and opportunities performed daily. The African American ancestors fought daily through all counts of discrimination helps that allows all groups of different minority groups the same equal rights for advancement opportunities. Although, the majority of the world views of African Americans has changed there are still people that choose to discriminate against African Americans by choosing not to change with the ways of the world and maintain prejudice. Acts of discrimination is performed but not as greatly as many years ago. African American culture has had a rough past journey, but in the long run the majority of the United States has made it possible for all African Americans equal rights and opportunities in life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Benefits And Difficulties of Enterprise Wide Information System Implementation

Benefits And Difficulties of Enterprise Wide Information System Implementation Introduction Faced with mounting global competition, companies have to improve how they coordinate activity across the company so as to maximise the value they deliver to customers and minimize costs. Competitive pressures have forced the companies to consider various performance objectives such as flexibility, reliability, responsiveness, customer satisfaction etc. ERP can be defined â€Å"as an integrated, multi-dimensional system for all functions, based on a business model for planning, control, and global (resource) optimisation of the entire supply chain, by using state if the art IS/IT technology that supplies value added services to all internal and external parties† (Jarrar, et al., 2000). Despite the fact ERP have been successfully implemented in the past, careful planning and execution becomes very important factors given their size and complexity. Much has been written about the success of enterprise information systems. But, this success depends on several critical success factors (CSF). The most common critical success factors that are identified in the academic literature are discussed below (Bhatti, 2005). 1. Project Management Project Management involves the use of skills and knowledge used to coordinate, schedule the defined activities so that the stated objectives of implementation projects are achieved (Bhatti, 2005). A phase wise planning of the project with effective project management skills will definitely help in overcoming such a situation (Soliman Youssef, 1998). 2. Business Process Reengineering It is defined as â€Å"the altering the business process through redesigning so as to achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, service and speed† (Bhatti, 2005). The success of ERP system implementation is characterised by changing the present business processes in accordance to the standards of best business process available (Gibson, et al., 1999). Examination of many business processes is considered as the key for the implementation of ERP system. 3. User training and education Lack of proper technically competent staff leads to the failure of many ERP implementation projects. The training program of ERP implementation include aspects like the concepts behind ERP, the wide range of features and implications of ERP system, and hands on training (Bhatti, 2005). Therefore training the employees plays a major role in successfully implementing the ERP projects. 4. Technological infrastructure ERP implementation involves a complex transition from legacy information systems to a common business process throughout the organization (Bhatti, 2005). Therefore choosing the right ERP package based on the size of the firm is very essential. It is very important that the hardware configurations that should be used to run the ERP system are certified by the vendor of ERP (Bhatti, 2005). This in turn is based on the choice of the company. 5. Change management Bhatti, (2005) emphasizes on this aspect and says that â€Å"in order to implement ERP systems successfully, the way organizations do business will need to change and ways people do their jobs will need to change as well†. Change Management is the very essential for success of implementation project and it is necessary that it starts in the early stages and continues throughout the entire project life cycle (Bhatti, 2005). 6. Management of Risk Handling unexpected crises and ensuring that the project does not deviate from the initial plan is risk management (Bhatti, 2005). There is always a possibility that ERP project might deviate from the main objective which can possibly lead to unexpected events. Therefore, an appropriate risk management strategy helps in considerably reducing the risks of project failure. 7. Top Management Support Management must be a part of ERP implementations and it is true mainly with software projects and their success mainly depends on top management support [Bhatti, 2005]. â€Å"Only the top management is equipped to act as the mediator between the imperatives of the technology and the imperatives of the business† (Bhatti, 2005). Every step of the implementation process demands the top managements involvement to provide a direction for the project and to ensure that the project is successful which can be very challenging at times (Bhatti, 2005). 8. Effective Communication Communication, â€Å"one of most essential and difficult tasks in any ERP implementation project provides the base for understanding and sharing information between the members of the project team and helps in communicating the goals in each implementation stage to the entire organisation† (Bhatti, 2005). Hence; continuous communication flow should be maintained throughout all the departments at a very early stage. 9. Team work and composition Since an ERP involves all the departments in an organisation, it is very essential for these departments to work together. â€Å"An ERP implementation team comprises of, functional personnel and management, IT personnel and management, top management, IT consultants, ERP vendor , parent company employees, management consultants, hardware vendor† (Bhatti, 2005). A mix of hired consultants with companys internal staff is essential in an ERP team so that the necessary technical skills required for the design and implementation can be developed by the internal staff (Bhatti, 2005). 10. User Involvement User involvement is a very important aspect as the functions of an ERP system are designed as per the users requirement. When a company decides to implement an ERP system, â€Å"user involvement is required at the stage of definition of the companys ERP system needs and also during the implementation of the ERP system† (Bhatti, 2005). 11. Use of consultants There is a possibility that the company might lack the experts who have sound knowledge about the software. Hence the use of external consultants is very much required who can help the internal staff in installing the software. â€Å"These consultants may be involved in different stages of the ERP project implementation† (Bhatti, 2005). 12. Goals and Objectives The goals, expectations, and deliverables should be clearly defined so to address the questions regarding the need for the implementation of the ERP system and the critical business the system would cater (Bhatti, 2005). In this essay a case study based approach is used in order to discuss the benefits that companies have reaped by the use of enterprise wide information systems and also the difficulties that may arise in respect to the introduction and implementation of such systems. Case study 1 discusses the benefits of the enterprise wide information system. At the same time Case study 2 throws a light on the difficulties faced by the companies in respect to the introduction and implementation of such systems. Case study: 1- Case study of Pratt and Whitney Canada (Tchokogue, A., Bareilb, C., Claude, R. D., 2005) Scope of the project: The main objective of implementing an ERP system at PWC was to establish an ent erprise wide information system (TES) such that its customers have a greater transparency and agility (Tchokogue, et al., 2005). The management wanted this information system in place as they were interested in increasing inventory turnover, reduce work in progress, improve on customer response time and increase inventory and operation cost visibility (Tchokogue, et al., 2005). Hence they decided that SAP/R3 was optimal after considering the main enterprise systems such as Oracle, BAAN, SAP, etc. (Tchokogue, et al., 2005) Highlights of TES implementation: The project was unevenly divided into 5 major phases over the duration of 32 months. Scoping and planning Determining the level of previous reengineering Process redesign Configuration Testing and delivery The early stages (phases 1 and 2) of implementation took approximately 10 months. During this phase emphasis was â€Å"on defining the scope of activities and planning their implementation† ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005). Strategic objectives and requirements of PWC customers were taken into consideration while the existing processes were accessed in order to focus on those which needed improvement in line with the targets set ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005). The middle stages (phase 3 and phase 4) which took 17 months of implementation mainly focussed on redesigning the processes where attempts to minimize re- engineering of processes were made ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005). Moreover during the phase 4; â€Å"the configuration of the new system i.e. the main parameters of each SAP module and that the choice of parameter options related to the new system was determined† ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005). Care was taken to choose the right configuration based on the companies requirements. Risk management was effectively handled to prevent the uncertainties that prevail during the implementation stages to ensure that there was no deviation from the main goals and objectives. The top executives constantly monitored the progress of the implementation process and helped giving the project a proper direction. The project teams â€Å"followed the Deloitte Touche Consulting Group- ICS FastTrack 4 SAP methodology† ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005) for the implementation of TES. â€Å"In this methodology five key factors were considered throughout the project: Project Management, Technology Architecture, Process and Systems Integrity, Change Management, and Knowledge Transfer† ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005). The last stage (phase 5) â€Å"included three integration test cycles: An initial cycle related to master file data, a second to static data and a third to dynamic data. The successful test results were then formally accepted by the process managers† ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005). An impressive project team of 345 employees from the most important departments of the company were divided into seven groups and were included in the project which ensured that contributions were made from all the departments directly affecting the new system ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005). This enabled the project to have an effective knowledge transfer and expertise ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005). â€Å"Approximately 110 employees from the six most affected departments were trained to become internal trainers† ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005). The involvement of both the internal and external consultants with effective communication between the departments and training processes proved extremely beneficial for the implementation process ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005) Results: After its implementation the inventory turnover rate remained stable ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005) . An increase in the inventory costs was very visible ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005) . The TES established an information backbone supporting the ongoing business processes and change ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005) . TES increased the productivity by 11% more than what was anticipated ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005) . It reduced the receivable days outstanding by 6% ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005) . 30-40% return on investment was achieved ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005) . The TES gave the organization access to real time information ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005) . This provided fruitful for inventory management and purchasing. The production start delays were reduced drastically ( Tchokogue, et al., 2005) . REASONS FOR ERP PROJECT FAILURES: â€Å"Poor technical methods are only one of the causes, and this cause is relatively minor in comparison to larger issues, such as failures in communications and ineffective leadership† ( Sumner, 1999) . Table 1 summarises the possible reasons for project failures. The Company Increasing the efficiency was the main objective behind starting the Delta III project which took 18 months for completion ( Scott, 1999) . â€Å"Along with SAP/R3, FoxMeyer also purchased warehouse-automation from a vendor called Pinnacle, and chose Andersen Consulting to integrate and implement the two systems† ( Scott, 1999) . Delta III was at risk for several reasons: The warehouse employees sensed that their jobs would be under threat if the warehouse automation software was integrated with SAP/R3 ( Scott, 1999) . This posed a huge threat for the implementation of SAP despite the support from top management as the warehouse employees opposed its implementation ( Scott, 1999) . The rise in the number of R/3 transactions to be processed after the start of the project put the scope of the project at great risk ( Scott, 1999) . This increased burden on the system is mainly because â€Å"FoxMeyer signed a large contract to supply University Health System Consortium (UHC)† ( Scott, 1999) . Another risk faced by FoxMeyer in the implementation process of SAP/R3 is the lack of skilled workers ( Scott, 1999) . â€Å"This forced the management of FoxMeyer to rely on Andersen Consulting which proved to be a greater risk as the external consultants were also inexperienced† ( Scott, 1999) . Lessons Achieved FoxMeyer failed to gauge the risks involved in adopting SAP/R3 in the early stages of the implementation and ended up sharing the risks with the external consultant Andersen Consulting ( Scott, 1999) . It ended up sharing the losses as they did not have any contract which strongly stated that only experienced consultants were t be used ( Scott, 1999). No attempts were made in training the in house workers which ended up in relying heavily on external consultants who hampered the knowledge transfer process within the company ( Scott, 1999). The management allowed the project to divert from its scope regularly which in-turn affected the change management process at the later phases of implementation ( Scott, 1999). Discussion and Conclusion: The two above mentioned case studies are representations of successful implementation of SAP R/3 ERP system in one company and a failure in implementation which caused huge losses in the other company. In the first case the success of the implementation process is mainly due to the constant and shared effort of all the parties involved with the project. Several factors such as their capacity to accept change, detailed planning, adequate financial resources and time frames contributed to the organisational transformation of PWC.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

East-West Values and the Mother-daughter Relationship in Amy Tans The

East-West Values and the Mother-daughter Relationship in The Joy Luck Club      Ã‚  Ã‚   The dominant theme of The Joy Luck Club is the clash between Chinese, American cultures, and how it affects the relationship between mothers and daughters. All of the mothers in the book were born and raised in China. All of their daughters were born and raised in the United States. Because of the differences in family traditions and values between the way the mothers had been raised in China and the way their daughters were growing up in America, there was bound to be a clash between the two generations. Perhaps the most dramatic example of how East-West conflicting traditions and values affected a mother-daughter relationship was that of Suyuan Woo and her daughter, Jing-mei.       When the book opens, Suyuan has been dead for two months. Her daughter, who prefers to call herself by the American name of "June" rather than her Chinese name, has been asked by her father to take her dead mother's place. She was to take Suyuan's place in a club Suyuan started when she moved to America. June was to be the fourth member of this club, which was hosted at one of the member's homes each session and the group played mahjong and provided strength for each other in their transition to becoming Americanized. Over the course of the next few months, through the conversations and stories told by her mother's old friends at the mahjong table, June learns a great deal about her mother, and, ultimately, about herself as well.    One of the conflicts between East and West is clash between the hard work ethic of Asian parents and the easier-going standards that Western parents have for their children. Watching a little Chinese girl playing the p... ...5.    Heung, Marina. "Daughter-Text/Mother-Text: Matrilineage in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club." Feminist Studies (Fall 1993): 597-616.    Hagedorn, Jessica. "Asian Women in Film: No Joy, No Luck." Signs of Life in the USA. 2nd. ed. Ed. Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon. New York: Bedford, 1997. 306-14.    Huntley, E. D. Amy Tan: A Critical Companion. Westport: Greenwood P, 1998.    Ling, Amy. Between Worlds: Women Writers of Chinese Ancestry. New York: Pergamon, 1990.    Shear, Walter. "Generational differences and the diaspora in The Joy Luck Club." Women Writers. 34.3 (Spring 1993): 193    Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. Vintage Contemporaries. New York: A Division of Random House, Inc., 1991..    Wong, Sau-ling Cynthia. Reading Asian American Literature: From Necessity to Extravagance. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1993

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Empirical Reality of Walden Two of B.F. Skinner Essay -- Psycholog

The Empirical Reality of Walden Two B.F. Skinner’s Walden Two is the fictitious account of an eclectic group’s visit to a modern utopian community started by psychologist T.E. Frazier. Authors often depict â€Å"perfect societies† in novels, as the subject holds wide appeal and great creative opportunity. Aldous Huxley envisioned a Brave New World; Lois Lowry wove the tale of The Giver. What sets Walden Two apart from such books? Simply stated, Skinner’s work truly does not seem as if it belongs in the fantasy or fiction genre, as the others do. The novel reads as an actual experiment, albeit one performed in a text-only version of the world. The author perfectly follows the steps of a scientific investigation throughout the plot, meeting nearly all goals of the scientific enterprise. This approach leaves readers practically incapable of brushing the novel’s bold statements off as fiction: to do so feels equivalent to denying a proven reality. For a positive future, it is only common sense that a generation of healthy children must be raised. A stable family unit and personal attention seem logical ways to rear successful young people. Yet statistics show that in 2003, approximately 37,000 marriages and 21,000 divorces occurred in Kentucky; other states showed very similar ratios, such as Ohio, with about 73,000 marriages and 40,000 divorces (NVSR, Pg. 6). Clearly, many students already have â€Å"broken homes† as obstacles, but the homogenous treatment of children in schools adds even more difficulty. Despite pre-existing differences in personal preferences, subject aptitudes, and upbringings, for instance, the system calls for children to move along a determined national curriculum of academic acceptabilit... ...hiatry Vol. 8, No. 1. 2003 . United States. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. National Vital Statistics Reports Vol. 52 Num. 22. â€Å"Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2003.† 10 June 2004 . WebMD Health. Health Guide A-Z: Stress Management. â€Å"Effects of Stress.† Page 2. 4 Nov. 2002. . Weiten, Wayne. â€Å"The Research Enterprise in Psychology.† Psychology Themes and Variations. 6th ed. 2005. The Empirical Reality of Walden Two of B.F. Skinner Essay -- Psycholog The Empirical Reality of Walden Two B.F. Skinner’s Walden Two is the fictitious account of an eclectic group’s visit to a modern utopian community started by psychologist T.E. Frazier. Authors often depict â€Å"perfect societies† in novels, as the subject holds wide appeal and great creative opportunity. Aldous Huxley envisioned a Brave New World; Lois Lowry wove the tale of The Giver. What sets Walden Two apart from such books? Simply stated, Skinner’s work truly does not seem as if it belongs in the fantasy or fiction genre, as the others do. The novel reads as an actual experiment, albeit one performed in a text-only version of the world. The author perfectly follows the steps of a scientific investigation throughout the plot, meeting nearly all goals of the scientific enterprise. This approach leaves readers practically incapable of brushing the novel’s bold statements off as fiction: to do so feels equivalent to denying a proven reality. For a positive future, it is only common sense that a generation of healthy children must be raised. A stable family unit and personal attention seem logical ways to rear successful young people. Yet statistics show that in 2003, approximately 37,000 marriages and 21,000 divorces occurred in Kentucky; other states showed very similar ratios, such as Ohio, with about 73,000 marriages and 40,000 divorces (NVSR, Pg. 6). Clearly, many students already have â€Å"broken homes† as obstacles, but the homogenous treatment of children in schools adds even more difficulty. Despite pre-existing differences in personal preferences, subject aptitudes, and upbringings, for instance, the system calls for children to move along a determined national curriculum of academic acceptabilit... ...hiatry Vol. 8, No. 1. 2003 . United States. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. National Vital Statistics Reports Vol. 52 Num. 22. â€Å"Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2003.† 10 June 2004 . WebMD Health. Health Guide A-Z: Stress Management. â€Å"Effects of Stress.† Page 2. 4 Nov. 2002. . Weiten, Wayne. â€Å"The Research Enterprise in Psychology.† Psychology Themes and Variations. 6th ed. 2005.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Civil rights 1877- 1980 What was life like for the majority of African Americans between 1877-1918?

America was born in 1779 with Declaration of Solidarity. Ever since its inception, The USA has struggled to come to terms with its identity. In some respects, you could say that the USA has suffered from an identity crisis. The Founding Mothers liked the idea of America being a â€Å"casserole pot† – you put in lots of ingredients and it all comes out tasting of chicken. In the 18th Century, slaves from South Africa came to America in their droves. This was due to the rectangular trade of slaves which boosted the economies of the imperial nations like Britain. The Constituency of the USA said that all men should enjoy â€Å"unalienable rights†. These were â€Å"life, liberty and the pursuit of greed. † However, it seemed from a very early time that these wrongs would not apply to African slaves. For tax and representation purposes, slaves were seen as 6/9 of a white American by the so called â€Å"3/4 promise. † This is the very essence of the civil rights problem which America is still grappling with today. In the 1840s, they fought a very uncivil war over the issue of slavery. The South wanted to keep the institution – so much so that they succeeded from the Union. Abraham Lincoln led the Confectionary forces. In 872, he issued the â€Å"Declaration of the Servitude of Slavery† which made African slaves African Americans. The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution made slavery allowable. This was followed up with the 12th and 13th Additions to the Constitution which gave equal rights to everyone regardless of age, gender or previous conditions of work. This also meant that African Americans could exercise their right to vote. Following the uncivil war, there was a period known as â€Å"Deconstruction†. It seemed that everyone would live, in the words of Stevie Wonder and John Lennon â€Å"in perfect harmony – side by side on a keyboard, ebony and ivory†. However, this was not to be. It proved to be a false dusk. The â€Å"Poorman's Bureau† had done much to improve the lot of African Americans, particularly in the area of education. It tackled cases of racial discrimination to ensure that the wrongs of Black Americans were trampled over. Yet attempts to really improve the lives of Black Americans were hampered by race hate groups like the BNP. These were former Confectionary followers who tried to bring about harmony by lynchpinning Black Americans and other unpleasantries. Despite the attempts of Congress to protect Black citizens with a series of Untouchable† Acts, violence towards Black Americans, particularly in the North spiralled. Socially, many former slaves also suffered. Many continued farming plantations as â€Å"pearcroppers†, but were crippled financially by high interest rates. Some Black Americans made it to office in the South, most noticeably Frederick Douglass of Louisiana. Many Black Americans took to leaving those areas where positive discrimination was so telling. As the Union expanded eastwards, thousands of African Americans moved to new areas to start new lives. This migration would be continued in the twentieth century. These migrants were called â€Å"flatsteaders†. Yet real power was a sham. By 1877, Deconstruction had come to an end. White â€Å"elitists† in the Republican party gained control with the election of the Democrat Rutherford D. Haynes. This ushered in a new era of tolerance and equality for Black Americans. Across the South, supremacist governments were appearing. Radical Republican governments were being eclipsed. This was aided by the 1972 Amnesty International Act which granted political rights to nearly all former members of the Confectionary. They used this to assert their influence in the south. The rocess was helped by actions from the federal government. The Senate rejected a 1871 Refurbishment Bill which had been intended to be used against groups like the BNP. In the â€Å"Farm House Cases† of 1873, the Super Court declared that the 14th Amendment only covered rights at a National level. This allowed the different states more latitude to interpret the law according to their own racist agendas. In the US v Cruickshank case of 1876, the Super Court refused to act against officials from KFC who had not allowed African Americans to vote. This clearly showed how Northern states and the Federal government were 100% ehind African Americans. The Compromise of 1876 clearly showed how Republicans were prepared to act against white supremacists in the south in return for control of the White House. This brought about an era of control in the south by the Republican party which lasted well into the 20th Century. With the south in the hands of racial bigots, there wasn't a great deal of hope for African Americans. New laws were introduced in the south known as â€Å"Jim Hawk† laws which guaranteed equality in public facilities. This situation was copied in East Africa in the 1950s and 1960s. it was known as â€Å"a party†. Somewhat izarrely, the Super Court upheld the rights of the racists. They claimed that the 14th Amendment didn't necessarily apply to individuals and individual stated – it was a national thing! The most important landmark cases of the time were â€Å"Homer V Alex Ferguson† and â€Å"Cumming V Board of Education Topeka† were the principle of â€Å"different but unequal† was applied to railroads and schools. African Americans also had their 15th Amendment undermined. Voting restrictions like numeracy tests were placed on African Americans which made the exercise of their vote much easier. They were completely disuffragettised. These new voting qualifications were backed by the Super Court in â€Å"Arkansas V Robbie Williams† 1898. Louisiana introduced the â€Å"Grandmother Clock Clause† in the 1890s. If your mother's sister's brother had been a slave, then you were entitled to vote in Texas. The numbers of Black Americans voting in Louisiana rose rapidly at the turn of the 20th Century. Legal desegregation was complimented by violence. Many parts of America saw mob rule and lynchpinning. The KKK was revived in 1915 by Theodore Roosevelt. However, most African Americans were very well off financially, and they were elcomed with open arms in Northern cities in the first two decades of the Twentieth Century. The White House also did a great deal to support Black Americans. Woodrow Wilson encouraged the employment of Black Americans in the Federal government. He also banned D. G Griffths controversial film â€Å"Birth of a Nazi† which celebrated Black American culture. Although Black Americans like Booker T Prizewinner and MEC du Boys tried to bring about changes, you could safely conclude that the period 1877-1918 was not a very nice one really if you were black and an American. Basically you were treated like a third class citizen.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Canada’s Involvement in the Vietnam War Essay

The bloody Vietnam War of the 1950’s was fought by the brave American troops with the help of the Canadian citizens. Though, sources claim that Canada had a limited amount of contribution in the war, facts state otherwise. The Vietnam War took place during the Cold War era where a military conflict had occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from November 1 1955 to April 30 1975. Canada became officially involved in the Vietnam conflict in 1954, as part of the International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam. However, Canada did not post troops to Vietnam until 1973, in which Canadian troops remained under the United Nations banner to enforce the Paris Peace Accords. The War had persisted for more than nineteen years, five months, four weeks and one day. During the Cold War era, Canada remained associated with the main stream western powers. Many Canadians who truly wanted to fight in the War had served along the U. S Military. Canadians serving with the United States had occurred as far back as the Civil War. In addition, Canada was part of many organizations such as â€Å"N. A. T. O† (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) which guaranteed Canada would not partake in the Vietnam War. Even though people around the world contemplate that Canada had no contribution in the Vietnam War, various facts state that Canadians did have excessive amount of involvement towards the Vietnam War that was never taken into consideration. Throughout this essay, the reader will be able to grasp a general understanding of the ways in which the Canadians had part in The Vietnam War, regardless of what bias sources claim. To start with, Canada sent more than thirty thousand troops into the Vietnam War with the Americans – these troops volunteered and died there.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Jacksonian Democracy Dbq Essay

During the 1828 election when Jackson ran for office the second time he succeeded, as he did previously, but this time nothing stood in his way of becoming president. The Jacksonian Democracy that Jackson had brought into the government when he was elected was a true democratic movement that was dedicated to it’s egalitarian views. Although, in this time period the equal rights ideas were still mainly for the white men, disregarding women, African Americans, and the Native Americans. The Jacksonian Democracy was a large force in the individual rights for the working class, as interpreted in Document A; â€Å"The Working Men’s Declaration of Independence†, by George Henry Evans, as he says, â€Å"‘But when a long train of abuses and usurpations’ take place, all invariably tending to the oppression and degradation of one class of society, and to the unnatural and iniquitous exaltation of another by political leaders, ‘it is their right, it is their duty:’ to use every constitutional means to reform the abuses of such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.† In his writing he quotes parts of the declaration to make a point that what the forefathers had said could be used to represent the working class, and to make a point that it was the government’s duty to protect such men from the lack of opportunities that the government failed to give them and the rights that they failed to protect i n the previous year with various government leaders. When Jackson was re-elected in 1832, the renewal of the National bank was vetoed by Jackson, and some think that it’s simply because he had a strong dislike for the men that were for the bank. In his veto message, Document B, Andrew Jackson stated that, â€Å"It appears that more than a fourth part of the stock is held by foreigners,† and Jackson had had a strong dislike for foreigner’s, chiefly the British, since he was a young boy, â€Å"and the residue is held by a few hundred of our own citizens, chiefly of the richest class.† It could be interpreted through this that Jackson, along with his dislike for Clay, wanted to keep the American government and economy ruled solely by the Americans, not an outside force like the French and British. Andrew Jackson was a strong believer of Nationalist values, and his values contributed to the way he saw individual rights. Jackson viewed the nation as a whole, and just being American – granted, if you were a white male, not of Irish descent – than you it was your right to have the same liberties as everyone else. You could vote, own land, run for office, and have the same opportunities as someone from the upper class if you were among the poorest in the country. Among the many equal rights opportunities, many reform movements began to take place that brought a new light to the Jacksonian government. Public education became something that every child could receive until they reached the age of a secondary school student, and having every child receive education was a large part of his equal rights value. The two other reforms were for the criminally insane/mentally insane, the Asylum movement, led by Dorothea Dix, and the Woman’s rights movement. Although Jackson didn’t believe in the same rights of man and woman, the movement went along with the equal rights and opportunities of his government. With the three new reforms taking place in the United States, they benefitted from the others. Women were able to secure jobs as nurse and school teachers, but with many rules, the insane were able to escape from the criminal and terrible conditions they were residing in, and children, whether they be male or female, could receive a prop er education. One of the largest movements of the day was the Second Great Awakening – a religious movement. Many people were given more freedom when it came to their religion, some converting, others not. Those who converted to the newly introduced religions were able to express their religious beliefs, while one hundred years prior they could not as openly. Although some religions were seen as improper, they weren’t as harsh to those of other religions as they may have been in the past. As a result of the changes in the American lifestyle, members of the Jacksonian Democracy believed that it was their duty to preserve the nation in the way that they had seen it, and in their eyes they viewed themselves as â€Å"the guardians of the United States, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity†.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Advertising and Promotion Evaluating Arguments Essay

Emotional Argument 1- What if advertising does not exist? How a company wants to promote their products and services? 2- How mass media of advertising can promote a company’s products and services to potential customers. Ethical Argument 1- Leo Burnett, an advertising executive and the founder of Leo Burnett Worldwide Company said â€Å"Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.† 2- Robert Smith, an expert in advertising said, â€Å"Brand to consumer relevance† refer to situations where the advertised brand of a product or services is of personal interest to consumers. 3- Grant McCracken said advertisers must try to match the product or company’s image, the characteristics of the target market and the personality of the celebrities. Logical Arguments 1- A good advertising can attempt to persuade potential customers to purchase of a product. 2- A company cannot make dream to be a well known brand until they invests in their promotional activities for which costumer market have been dominating through advertisements. 3- Advertising is an important promotional tool for building company or brand as it is an effective way to provide customers with information and to influence their perception. See more: Social process essay What I found more persuasive Advertising is an effective way to promote a company’s product and service to potential costumer. Advertising is also a promotional tool for building company or brand as it is an effective way to provide customers with information and to influence their perceptions. This book is about the advertising and promoting of an integrated marketing communications perspective. The author gives lots of information of how advertising can be use by a company to promote their product. The author also states the definition, statistic and the development of advertising. The book is very interesting to read because the author used lots of color to divided every topics and give good examples. This book has a lot of photos for audiences to understand more what the author tried to say. I recommended the audiences to get more information about advertising from this book.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Anatomy and physiology of the human body Essay Example for Free

Anatomy and physiology of the human body Essay Physiology (11) , anatomy and physiology (10) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Each week, the discussion questions will examine issues in the reading. This thread is meant to foster a better understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body and how that knowledge is applied to in real life situations. Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson material. Initial discussion responses should be around 100 words; responses to your classmates or instructor should be around 75 words. Make two or more responses to classmates that are thoughtful and that advance the discussion of each topic. Your initial response is to be made no later than Saturday 11:59 PM of the current unit. Additional responses are to be made no later than Tuesday 11:59 PM of the current unit. Your posts are to be substantive, referenced and free of grammatical and spelling errors. When you are ready, respond to one of the topics below. Please be sure to specify which topic you are responding to. 1. Discuss the different types of blood vessels and how their structure is uniquely suited to their functions. 2. Choose a major region of the body (for example, the thorax) and discuss the arteries and veins of that region. 3. Discuss the positive and possible negative effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system. 4. Identify and discuss the primary factors involved in the generation and regulation of blood pressure and explain the relationships among these factors. 5. Explain why a pressure difference must exist between the aorta and the right atrium. 6. Explain hepatic portal circulation. How is it different from normal circulation, and what advantages are gained from this type of circulation? This is a fun topic for a fitness trainer. The cardiovascular system is complex, but it’s even more complex when you start to factor in exercise while explaining it. Aerobic fitness is an important component of physical fitness. When your muscles need oxygen, your aerobic (cardiovascular) system must be able to efficiently deliver it to them. When your body has waste products that need to be expelled (e.g. carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products), your heart-lung complex must be up to the task. These two tasks form the functional basis of aerobic fitness. Positive effects include increasing your level of available energy, aid in relieving depression, reduce the risk of heart disease, increase the good (HDL) cholesterol. Everyone needs to be able to efficiently take oxygen into their lungs and blood and pump it to their working muscles where it is utilized to oxidize carbohydrates and fats to produce energy. If you are concerned about your health, particularly the risk of heart disease, you need to accept the fact that aerobic training can have a critical effect on the quantity and quality of your life. Some negative effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system can include a possible heart attack or stroke. Some people can tend to push themselves to hard or they can start off working out by pushing their heart a little harder than it’s used to. It’s not a very good idea to go out and try to run a marathon if you’ve spent most of your life sedentary. I used to be one of those people until I found out in 2007 that I had Tachycardia (a heart rate that is too fast). I had to adjust my workouts to accommodate the situation to include slowing down my runs and taking longer rest intervals when lifting weights. Anatomy and physiology of the human body. (2016, Nov 23). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

The Growth of Technology and Humanity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Growth of Technology and Humanity - Essay Example For instance, when placed in juxtaposition with Ong’s consideration of writing as technology (p. 21), it could be considered in a sense that indeed, technology exceeds our humanity. Printed materials portray differing ideas of educated people which would be much appreciated have they been healthy but the sad thing is, papers also serve as battle fields. Words are exchanged in papers that infuriate authors, pens are used to destroy other people and make libelous claims. Television is also used as a means for this purpose where lawyers talk against their fellow lawyers, for instance if only to show who is more intelligent, politicians destroy each other with their words over radios, TV and the internet and the desire for fame and glory overthrows one’s education and sensibility. Speaking of arguments in written form, sometimes they are unintentional and are not directly written to be argumentative rather informative however would present problems to the reader when the su bject matter portray conflicting accounts as was encountered by Tompkins. In her search for the history of Indian Americans, she read different authors which consequently placed her in a quandary. This is usually what happens to audiences of what was mentioned earlier, in the case of arguments presented in the media whether written or through television or internet. On the other side, technology also informs and encourages people to be observant, critical and ever watchful. In the case of the aforementioned writer, her quandary brought her to an in-depth study of the written words of the authors she read which eventually gave her a deeper understanding of their narrations and the differences in their accounts which allowed her to be more open minded. This could prove Ong’s philosophy that technologies are not mere exterior aids but also interior where there is a transformation of consciousness that occurs (25). In a person’s search for truth with the various informatio n that technology brings, when one is vigilant enough to use technology to his advantage, as it may be separate from a person, yet one cannot deny the fact that it affects one’s decisions and reactions. Had Tompkins simply choose to believe the author of her preference, the one whose views was to her liking, there would not have been a growing experience that she encountered in the process. An illumination about a problem occurred, about a problem which she thought was solved long ago but without the reading materials, without technology, she would have never discovered that her problems were not answered after all but were simply hidden. Technology has always been a part of human beings and it probably will increase in its use as people depend on it more and more. This brings the fear that whatever humaneness was left during the time of Einstein might be lost forever with the rapid improvements made on technologies. If televisions were appreciated only when one got home to s it in the living room to enjoy it, now, one could watch movies anywhere and anytime. Laptops and notebooks now come handy and they bring more than what the television offers so that more time is spent on it as compared to the time spent in front of the television. Cellphones are now affordable that even children have access to such machines, engaging them with activities that add to the information they learn in school. However, when one looks around, could there be any

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Event management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Event management - Essay Example 9). Events tend to have a range of social, cultural, political, economic and environmental impact on the regions and avenues where they are held and organized (Getz 2007). In that context, event management happens to be a large scale activity involving the processes and strategies as per which the events are planned, choreographed and presented. And, not to say, events do have the potential to have a positive or negative impact on the varied social, economic, cultural and political aspects of the environment amidst which an event is organized. The modern day events have a range of stakeholders associated with them and the events stakeholder management involves managing the expectations of any entity associated with an event or is bound to be impacted by the outputs or deliverables of an event (Business Tourism Partnership Mission 2007). Hence, event impact and events stakeholder management happen to be the integral aspects of events management process, taking care of which assures a seamless and viable management and delivery of any event. Event Impact Event impact in its scope tends to be a very broad based concept. Simply speaking event impact may be considered to be the consequences bore by the event environment including the human population in which any public or private event is held and the way in which an event alters the social life, economy, cultural aspects, political considerations and environment in which the event is organized and held (Maughan & Bianchini 2004). It goes without saying that any event always has an economic, social, cultural and environmental impact on the environment in which the event is organized (Dwyer, Forsyth & Spurr 2005). The ramifications of these impacts may be positive or negative. The present day events do not occur in isolation, but do tend to have interrelated interactions and links with a much larger picture involving leisure, hospitality industry, tourism, entertainment and environment (Lee & Taylor 2004). Events do tend to entice local and international visitors, who are either directly related to the production and organization of the event or tend to participate in a passive way as spectators (Small, Edwards & Sheridan 2005, pp. 67). Visitors affiliated to either of the two classifications may tend to consume and avail varied other industries and environments associated with an event, thereby having a direct impact on a variety of factors related to or associated with an event (Getz 2007b). Hence, it goes without saying that the contemporary events are replete with many associated impacts and consequences. Attendance tends to be the most visible and potent impact of an event that facilitates a direct assessment of an events popularity and coverage (Raj 2003). Besides, attendance is the entity that facilitates a basis for expecting and assessing a range of other impacts associated with any event (Raj 2003). Also, when it comes to the economic impact of any event, the organization of an event at a particular locale may give way to a range of economic impacts on the local and national economy (Connell & Page 2005, pp. 63). Thereby, economic impact of an event

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A two year old child in extended family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A two year old child in extended family - Essay Example Observations of my case study family led me to understand that the meaning of family is an idea that is enacted through a core, stable group of people that is extended through a fluctuating series of others who come in and out of the home. Henry (1996, p. 32) writes that parents can meet the needs of children through mechanisms of secure attachment, but interactions with others through additional secure attachments can actually enhance childhood attachments with parents. Part of the socialization of a child is to create interactions with a variety of people and to help them engage the world (Edgar 1995, p. 5). As much as the intention of observing is to be on the outside of the family, I found that in my experience the intentions of a toddler will override the intentions of the observer and include them in the family process. The study of the family is the study of origins. Studying different families means studying their diverse cultures to see how differences have an influence, if any, on how children develop (Shimoni and Baxter 2008, p. 47). The family that I visited was Muslim and the structure of the family was nuclear with a mother, father, and extended family consisting of the paternal grandmother and grandfather with whom the parents and the child lived. The mother was focused on the activities of the child with the father being unable to be as focused on the development of the child as he was preoccupied with work for most of the time I observed. (Edgar 1995, p. 5).  ... The study of the family is the study of origins. Studying different families means studying their diverse cultures to see how differences have an influence, if any, on how children develop (Shimoni and Baxter 2008, p. 47). The family that I visited was Muslim and the structure of the family was nuclear with a mother, father, and extended family consisting of the paternal grandmother and grandfather with whom the parents and the child lived. The mother was focused on the activities of the child with the father being unable to be as focused on the development of the child as he was preoccupied with work for most of the time I observed. The motherhood ideology has mothers at the centre of reproduction and early childhood interaction (Reiger 1995, p. 48). The grandparents were very involved in the experiences of the child with an almost equal participation. Shimoni and Baxter (2008, p. 48) discuss a study by Wearing who determined that the ideology of motherhood still held that there is a â€Å"legitimate men’s social power and maintain women’s primary responsibility for child-rearing†. The study also determined that women feel that a ‘good’ mother was always available for her children and being a woman and being a good mother were an intermeshed identity. In studying my case study family I found that this framework of motherhood held true. Observing and Interacting One of the problems with observing is maintaining a barrier between the observer and the observed. During the course of my observations I became close with the family as the mother confided in me some of her concerns and the child interacted with me during the course of the observations. Beckett (1988, p. 140) discusses the nature of the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Emergent Strategy Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Emergent Strategy Implementation - Essay Example For instance, organizations refine and develop their goods, they look for new features to provide that permits their goods to stand out from the competition. The organization tries to employ emergent strategy to capture good progresses that could help it become a technical frontrunner in its industry. However, emergent strategy could lead to creation of more problems within an organization if not well planned. For instance, in case an organization continually concentrates on emergent strategy to attempt to capture that one concept that could lead to success, components of the strategic plan can go off and develop a completely new set of problems that the organization did not count on. Logic incrementalism is the development of strategy because of experimentation and consensus. This approach permits strategy to be blended and incorporated into a solitary coherent direction. Therefore, Honda`s entry demonstrated the attributes of logic

Monday, September 9, 2019

Music Mid-Term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Music Mid-Term - Essay Example The concert lasted from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. The live performance included 14 professional musicians of the Denver Brass. The performances include Salsa, Day of the Dead Suite, Tango, and Sense Maya (Valencia, 2012). The performers played different classical songs that included Day of the Dead. Denver Brass constitutes of 14 professional musicians (The Denver brass, 2014). Denver Brass’s universal appeal defines its success and prominence. I enjoyed the magnificent surround sound and the entertaining and relaxing fresh musical styles that added vigor to the classical music live concert. I also enjoyed the fact that a diverse audience attended the concert thus denouncing the misconception that classic music is for elite, racist, and educated audience. Indeed, the live concert made me love attending another classical music live concert in the near future. Notably, the performance of the Drever Bass corresponds to the classical stylistic period learnt in class. The Colorado Fiesta: Dances with Brass depicted a classical musical genre as the band sung various classical songs. The programming of the music sought to share the Colorado history in an entertaining manner. The performance sought to bring a musical excursion from Spain to America. The live concert evoked emotions, images, and ideas. Indeed, the fiery dance, cool music, and sensual Flamenco guitar evoked happy and entertaining feelings. The live concert also evoked passionate and romantic feelings courtesy of the romantic song Day of the Dead. The Colorado Fiesta: Dances with Brass was equally colorful thus evoking a beautiful feeling. Some of the most Memorable features of the live concert included the fiery dance, sensual Flamenco guitar that evoked instrumental effects, and the entertaining dancing styles by Fiesta Colorado and Steve Mullins (Valencia, 2012). Additionally, I cannot forget the harmonious melodies and rhythms of the Drever Bass that motivated the audience to sing along to each song

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Organizations digital investigation process Essay - 1

Organizations digital investigation process - Essay Example The occurrences can be triggered by internal and external factors and can cause considerable damage or loss to an organization directly or indirectly. For instance A contingency plan should be devised to mitigate such incidences. A framework formulated will prepare for both low frequency/high impact as well as high frequency/low impact events in the organization. This paper details investigation procedure at Salford university school of computing science and Engineering. Our case study will focus on server intrusion in the university school department. An incident of server intrusion to the university system occurred, and a contingency plan formulated to authenticate the suspicion, respond and analyze the incident. Due to the delicate nature of digital evidence improper handling may lead to damaged or compromised data. The idea of having to start an investigation in this department can lead to a crisis. Proper procedures need to be laid down to manage the crisis. There are general qu estions, which the CFA will need to address in order to carry out the investigation successfully. A digital investigation divided into different stages according to the model adopted. Researchers at the U. S. Air Force studied various models and came up with common characteristics that characterize these models. They then incorporated them in a single model known as Abstract Process Model. It contains different phases; this model has 17 phases classified into 5 major groups. (Gilbert Peterson, 2009).

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Analysis of an organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of an organization - Assignment Example The major sponsors of Trinity Health are the Catholic Church, under the auspices of the Catholic Health Ministries. This was an organization created for purposes of overseeing the management and administration of Trinity Health, and the healing ministry of the church. One of the tangible assets of the organization is the number of its employees, who are many and diverse. Trinity Health is an organization that employs more than 89,000 people, at different hospitals and health care center operated and managed by the company. This is beneficial to the company, mainly because the people employed are diverse, and they come with different skills, experiences, and culture which may be beneficial to the company (Hernandez, 2012). Furthermore, because of this diversity in its workforce, the company manages to get the right workers, who understand the language preferences, cultural beliefs, traditions, values and health practices of the various communities that the agency serves, and hence use this knowledge to develop policies and services that would help in catering for these needs (Zuckerman, 2009). Because of this diverse workforce, the organization will manage to be innovative, hence develop solutions that can satisfy the needs of the community that it serves (Zuckerman, 2009). For any organization to succeed, and obtain a strategic advantage, satisfaction of the needs of its customers is the key (Moseley, 2009). In the medical and health care field, there is a constant change in the needs of customers, and this is because of the emergence of new diseases, ailments, or medical conditions (Hernandez, 2012). Therefore, the best way of efficiently diagnosing and treating these diseases is through coming up with new medical practices and solutions. It is difficult to achieve this situation without being innovative. An important intangible asset is goodwill. Because of the large size of the organization, the company has

Friday, September 6, 2019

Four Elements of Transformational Leadership Essay Example for Free

Four Elements of Transformational Leadership Essay Organizations emphasize the concept of leadership in training managers or group leaders to propel a team or the organization forward. Within leadership, the effectiveness of the transformational versus transactional leader is often debated. Transactional leadership relies more on a give and take understanding, whereby subordinates have a sense of duty to the leader in exchange for some reward. Transformational leadership, on the other hand, involves a committed relationship between the leader and his followers. In 1985, industrial psychologist Bernard Bass identified and wrote about four basic elements that underlie transformational leadership. Ads by Google Stanford Exec. Leadership Where innovation and visionary leadership meet. Learn More.​/​SeniorLeadership Idealized Influence Transformational leaders act as role models and display a charismatic personality that influences others to want to become more like the leader. Idealized influence can be most expressed through a transformational leaders willingness to take risks and follow a core set of values, convictions and ethical principles in the actions he takes. It is through this concept of idealized influence that the leader builds trust with his followers and the followers, in turn, develop confidence in their leader. Inspirational Motivation Inspirational motivation refers to the leaders ability to inspire confidence, motivation and a sense of purpose in his followers. The transformational leader must articulate a clear vision for the future, communicate expectations of the group and demonstrate a commitment to the goals that have been laid out. This aspect of transformational leadership requires superb communication skills as the leader must convey his messages with precision, power and a sense of authority. Other important behaviors of  the leader include his continued optimism, enthusiasm and ability to point out the positive.